This is who we are.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of the bread and to prayer.”
-Acts 2:42, NIV
AFCN is nestled in the North Highland neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia. We overlook the Nation’s Capital, a walking distance from Rossyln and Clarendon. Our neighborhood reflects a mosaic of ethnicity, age groups, and vocations. People come from all over the world to visit or live in this community. Since 1911, we have served as a beacon of light on the hill proclaiming God’s message to all people.
We seek to lead people to a transforming relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, actively engage in Christian fellowship, energize through worship and prayer, and purposefully serve in community while living responsibly under the Lordship of Christ.
We pray that all people will come to experience the abundant life that Jesus offers; finding real meaning and purpose. We place a high value on the Word, prayer, fellowship, and community.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. -Matthew 28:19 NIV
Our Vision
AFCN’s vision is: “To Make Christ-like Disciples by Building Meaningful Relationships.”
Our vision tells us where we are going. Jesus commissioned the church to go and make disciples. In a broken and hurt world, too often characterized by loneliness, alienation, and estrangement, people are hungry for meaningful relationships. All of us are compelled to answer the call and follow Jesus of Nazareth. We believe every person is worthy of Christ’s love, supported by an authentic Christian community, growing as disciples of Christ, and seeking the welfare of communities in which we live and work.